June 2, 2016 Marks 40 Years Since the Disappearance of Ruth Martin
40 YEARS AGO TODAY, June 2, 1976, 51-year-old Lincoln realtor RUTH LOUISE MARTIN failed to show up for work. Somewhere between nine and ten…
40 YEARS AGO TODAY, June 2, 1976, 51-year-old Lincoln realtor RUTH LOUISE MARTIN failed to show up for work. Somewhere between nine and ten…
THE ALLEGEDLY MISSING EVIDENCE IN THE RUTH MARTIN CASE is the most compelling and important item collected in the investigation. It is a partially…
Notable mention in “BURIED TRUTH TRILOGY”: “The City Hall in Lincoln was located on the corner of McLean and Broadway streets. It sat kitty-corner…
“He brought it all on himself,” they said. “He’s an asshole.” More commonly known as “Tattoo” for the ubiquitous blue ink covering his face,…
The morning of October 28, 2011, I received an email from John Foltz stating, “What’s up with this?” He had included an email that…
It was seven o’clock in the morning on Wednesday, August 11, 2004, when Helen and I pulled out of her driveway and headed for…
WK: Well, you have a different viewpoint than I do. I remember him saying that about the Schneiders, but my remembrance was he never…
Re: Reconsideration of Drabing and Smrekar Murder Investigations. Mr. Huyett: When Russell Smrekar and Michael Drabing murdered at least five innocent people in Logan…
Like clockwork, I awoke at four in the morning on January 7, 1997 and looked through the sliding glass door in our bedroom. The…
The year of 1976 my hometown, Lincoln, Illinois, was turned upside down by six violent murders that transpired between June and October. My father,…